Ring Nebula Picture M57 Messier 57 Lyra

The Ring Nebula picture you see here is of a planetary nebula in the northern constellation of Lyra. And like people, stars die of old age too. However, when they die it can often be an explosion that bursts ionized gas all around it and form a nebula. The white dot in the middle of the Ring Nebula is the sun-like remains of a star called a White Dwarf.

Around the middle of this nebula is helium gas followed by hydrogen and oxygen. Next, the outer rings contain mostly nitrogen and sulfur. This is what makes up the beautiful transition of colors from the center to the outer edges of the Ring Nebula. In addition, the nebula is also tilted on its side giving it a ring appearance where if it were seen from the other angle it may look more flat like our solar system.

About the M57 Ring Nebula Picture

Ring Nebula Messier M57 Wide Angle Picture
Ring Nebula Messier M57 Wide Angle Photograph from Backyard Telescope
Distance to Earth: 2,283 light years
Radius: 1.3 light years
Age: 7,005 years
Absolute magnitude (V): −0.2+0.7; −1.8

History of M57

The Ring Nebula was first discovered by the French Astronomer, Charles Messier in January of 1779. The discovery came by surprise while tracking a particular comet in the night sky. In addition, this was the 57th object in Messier’s catalog of interstellar records. Furthermore, Charles Messier documented 110 space objects in total that are named after him to this day.

Constellation where M57 lies

Lyra constellation

Exact Location of Messier 57

Coordinates: RA 18h 53m 35s | Dec +33° 1′ 45″

Group for M57

Messier Objects

Ring Nebula Photography Equipment

Taken April 11 2020 at 3:29 am using a Meade 5in refactor 120mm X 700mm telescope and a Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XS 59s exposure at ISO 1600 single image.

Ring Nebula Messier M57 Zoomed Picture
Ring Nebula Messier M57 Zoomed Picture from Backyard Telescope

Other photos of the Ring Nebula from additional sources.

Credits: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
The Ring Nebula photo from NASA. Credits: NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration

About the author

Jeramie has an Associate of Applied Science in Web Development and is currently studying Astronomy while writing online articles here as part of his learning and research process. If you find errors and inaccuracies, please make a comment or contact him directly. He feels discussion is also part of the learning process and welcomes respectful public comments under any article on CuriousAstronomer.com


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